SyMBA LogoSyMBA: A Generic Data and Metadata Archive for Multi-Omics Experiments

Developers: A.L. Lister, F. Gibson, M. Pocock, A. Wipat

Official project page: Project: SyMBA: Storing experimental knowledge in a FuGE-compliant archive
Download: SyMBA

SyMBA is an archive that facilitates metadata integration and data storage. It stores knowledge about experimental data in a computationally-amenable and user-friendly way.

It is designed to prevent deletion, loss, or accidental modification of primary data and metadata, while providing convenient manual and computational access for standards-compliant publication, sharing and analysis.

Metadata is stored in a single format, irrespective of the type of data it describes. SyMBA presents users with a simple, unified view of their data and metadata, while utilizing the richly-descriptive Functional Genomics Experiment Object Model (FuGE-OM) behind the scenes.

What you get:
  • A browsable view of experimental data and metadata
  • The ability to compare aspects of studies such as controls and treatments
  • A unified and simple web interface for data capture
  • Programmatic access via web services and the STK
  • Improved data organisation via the use of FuGE
  • The source code is available under the LGPL from
  • For evaluation of the SyMBA web interface, a test installation is available (Username: MickeyM, Password: MousePass)
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